How to look after little children


In case no one has told you, raising toddlers isn’t always easy. If it were easy, we probably would have figured out the best way to do it by now. You can’t deny that we’ve had the time! 

Parents often feel like there are too many questions they need to answer. How do I be relaxed whilst still maintaining discipline? How do I encourage the right amount of education and fun? What’s the right balance of healthy food and food they’d enjoy? Why do they insist on climbing onto every possible surface? 

Although might not be able to provide the perfect answer for all of these questions, we can certainly provide some useful tips! Here are our top tips on how to look after little children. 

Get screen time right

Avoiding screens today is impossible. You need them as part of your everyday life, so they will always be present in your home. If you don’t want screen time to feel like a fail-safe, focus on showing your child the right content. 

For example, there are several free kids cartoons that your kids will love! Not only are they fun, but they’ll teach your children important life lessons too. This means that you can feel better letting your kids have some screen time as they’ll be laughing and learning! 

Create a love of learning

Learning is as much a skill as it is a task. If you can teach your children how to learn and how important it is, they’ll develop a skill that will help them throughout their lives. We’re not saying they need to fall in love with school, but they at least won’t dread it every day; 

Help them to gain independence

Toddlers are always trying to do things themselves. Sometimes this it’s to their benefit, sometimes it’s out of pure stubbornness. Either way, they will still need your help. Allow them to help you with simple things or to do things you would normally help them with. 

For example, when you’re out and about, ask them to hold things for you like your keys for a short time. If they do as they’re told, reward them. Another example is when they’re climbing the stairs. Provided they don’t hurt themselves, give them the chance to figure this out for themselves. 

These small steps will help them to build their confidence and their independence. 

Be consistent

Consistency is incredibly important for toddlers, as it helps them to understand things like rules and what is appropriate. If you are inconsistent with things like discipline, for example, they’ll struggle to understand how to behave and the consequences of their actions. 

A regular bedtime is another important thing for children. This helps give them some structure and to ensure they get the rest they need. 

Make time for yourself 

Just because your child’s life has started, it doesn’t mean that yours has to stop. If you don’t make time for yourself, you’ll burn out and won’t be able to parent at your best. Book a babysitter, call your friends and take your partner out. It’s ok to do this. 

Final Thoughts

Although this certainly isn’t a complete guide, the tips in this guide will help you to better parent your kids! 
