Learning From Home – The New Normal


The new year brings with it knowledge of a newer world and a newer time. The past year has changed all of our perspectives towards a lot of basic things. Things like healthcare, finance, food & most importantly education. With the turn of the century we were introduced to computers. With computer education being the new thing, But the previous year seemed to have given a turbo boost to our computing requirements and our reliance on E-learning. Till the last year majority of India was still learning through conventional physical mediums. All of that was about to go for a toss! The CoronaVirus (COVID-19) pandemic brought about a revolutionary change, it made it compulsory for schools, colleges, universities & institutes to adopt E-learning and make the switch rapidly. The restrictions & social distancing rules gave rise to the demand for various E-Learning platforms.

These platforms were adopted by one and all. The requirement was for an online learning app that could take care of the study material, the assignments, homework & overall growth of a student in the respective fields. These apps then further got split/divided into subsections and streams, SSC or ICSE learning app, CBSE learning app, learning apps specialized for kindergarten, primary, secondary & higher secondary sections.

These learning apps are able to tap into a lot of undiscovered potential by enabling them to be available to one and all. These apps enable kids from all over the country to avail education, may it be urban cities or remote villages. The basic requirements being a smartphone or computer with a stable internet connection. This makes quality education and concepts available to every student without any kind of bias. Also such learning apps get all the information available right to you so that one can study at home in the comfort of their own home. This enables them to study at their pace and comfort making the material available 24×7.

With the introduction to A.I. into learning. It has game changing prospects. A.I. has allowed the software to understand the abilities and learning curve of students in order to provide them with customised learning formats and patterns. Enhancing their potential. The internet has brought about these revolutionary changes in the Ed-Tech space. 


The Ed-tech industry in India has a lot to offer in the upcoming future and it will surely revolutionize the way we look at the teaching industry. We have realised the real potential of the indian learning startups and companies in the past few years and the future looks bright. We cannot fathom the growth and innovation it can bring about. From bargad to barkat!
