Top 3 Tips To Get Your Child Score Good In The Psle Maths Exam


When it comes to PSLE Maths Exam, which already has its timetable revealed, you must have certain questions. Just because it is a Maths exam, the first thing you must be thinking about is how much preparation is adequate. Frankly speaking, there is no level or parameter, which you can call to be the ‘best’ for your child. 

If you check last year’s primary 6 maths questions, you can see that the paper was not on the easier side and, therefore, there is no such ‘best preparation’ limitation. 

However, you can check these three tips, which can help you in preparing your child better.

  • Focusing On Only The Needed Areas

Your child already has a huge workload and probably, you would not want to overburden him. This is to say that you should focus only on the needed parts and no unnecessary practices. Make sure that when she revises, she does only the right things. Focusing only on the right things can make your child’s confidence stronger. It is always a better thing to do instead of overburdening by trying to practice everything.

  • Understanding Your Child’s Current Ability

When your son is going to appear in the PSLE Maths Exam, it is important to first judge where his abilities reside. Knowing your child’s proficiency is very important because based on that his preparations will be more functional. Carefully, search and find his learning gaps because it is harder to score well in PSLE if there are potholes. Do make him solve primary 6 maths questions, which will be quite useful for him to gain control over the paper. Keep a track of his improvements or weaknesses to increase the chances of scoring better by working on them.

  • Increasing Your Child’s Time Management

No matter whichever exam she gives, being adept at the time management factor is necessary. Without proper time management, your daughter can even miss solving the known questions in the PSLE Maths Exam. Categorize the different questions into sections and set goals for her while a revision to complete each part on time. Practicing strictly following a clock can help her a lot in having confidence in delivering what she knows. Lacking the right time management can take a toll on her confidence as well.

Your child can certainly do much better in his or her PSLE Maths Exam this year. All you need to do is keep these three tips in mind.
