4 Advantages of an Online Degree


Did you know that the University of Phoenix was the first school to launch a fully online curriculum in 1989? If you are considering jumping on the online degree bandwagon, you are in the right place. 

Keep reading for the top advantages of pursuing a degree online vs in person. 

  1. Flexibility

A major pro is that you have flexibility on where you are while you are studying. You do not have to live on campus or near campus, in fact, you can live on the other side of the world if you choose. There is no limit to your location as long as you have an internet connection.

You can opt to live in the environment and city that best suits your budget even if your university or college is in one of the most expensive cities. Choosing an online school will become much easier when you can live wherever you please. 

  1. Balance Obligations

When you study online it will be easier to balance your family obligations or your job obligations. Even if you are a parent taking care of kids or you have a full-time job, you can fulfill these obligations because you have flexibility with your schedule and classes online. 

We are not saying it is going to be super easy because it can definitely be difficult managing a household and work along with receiving an online education. But, it is not impossible if you are up for the challenge.

  1. Career Advancement

If you are already in your dream career but are finding yourself at a standstill then attending an online university might help you advance further. You can go for your Master’s degree and then level up in your current career path. 

You do not have to quit your job to advance in your education, instead, attend online and still work wherever you are. Once you are done with your degree then you can apply for a higher paying position within the company. 

  1. Networking

Sometimes it is definitely about who you know when it comes to career advancements. When you study online you have the opportunity to network with students all over the country. You will not be limited to meeting only local students. 

You will have the opportunity to build relationships and connections with professionals and with peers around the globe. This is imperative when you are done with school because simply gaining knowledge and a degree, does not guarantee you a job. Your network of people can help you when you are job hunting. 

Ready to Receive Your Online Degree?

Now that you have the top benefits of going for an online degree, you can make an informed decision whether you want to go this route or not. If you feel that you do not have the discipline then you might want to reconsider and go in person instead. 

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